Monday, March 9, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

You are not reading my Not Me Monday right this very moment since earlier this morning I said I would NOT be posting one today. Since there were no major incidents this week, I will not be posting this in a list format.

1. I did not have a perfectly good melt down over my hair on Wednesday after I realizing I had no clue on how to use hair torture devices (hair dryer & flat iron) on my newly styled hair.

2. I did not go on a massive cleaning spree Saturday morning since I did not spend Monday through Friday of last week napping every afternoon. I certainly wouldn't let my house get overwhelmed with stuff after making a resolution of keeping up with laundry.

3. I did not do said massive clean up because a friend was coming over for the first time. Since I am a regular party home (stop that laughing Missy), my house is prepared for company at all times. Also since this visit was planned in advance (a whole week at that), I wouldn't have to rush at the last minute to do cleanup duty.

4. I did not freak out when my husband came inside on Sunday and use the word "tick." I did not make him strip down and throw everything in the washing machine immediately. I also didn't force him to take a shower and check every inch of him for ticks. I did not set the washing machine load on rinse twice and only wash his items of clothing because that would be a waste of water & detergent. Also this did not cause me to remind everyone on facebook to check their loved ones for ticks every single night.

5. I most certainly did not skip my planned nap today to go shopping instead. I rarely go shopping. I did not use the excuse of going to Congress to purchase a new outfit because I am not going to Congress on this coming WEDNESDAY! I did not spend THREE FULL HOURS at Kohl's trying to find the perfect outfit. It did not take me a full 90 minutes to find ONE PAIR of pants that fit. It didn't take another 30 minutes to find a top that fit and matched. I most certainly did not beg one of the sales associates to help me find something fashionable to go with those pants and top because that would mean that I absolutely have no fashion sense. I didn't actually utter the phrase , "You mean that doesn't match?" Nor was I given a lecture on how "accessories make or break an outfit" since I used to work in the Accessories department I would definately know this. It didn't take TWO sales associates and one additional hour to find something that would be appropriate for wearing.

Here for your viewing pleasure are my old Not Me's!

Week 1: Wii Fit Cheater
Week 2: OCD Shoe Lace
Week 3: "Your in" for a real treat on this one.
Week 4: I'm 12 again!
Week 5: PICC me! PICC me!
Week 6: Oh "Holey" Days!
Week 7: Overeaters Anonymous
Week 8: Hair Today: Gone Tomorrow
Week 9: Liar Liar Pants on Fire (Today's post)

1 comment:

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I am bad at outfits too. I am totally jealous of your naps...sigh.. I could use one right now!