Sunday, December 21, 2008

no longer miserable

So this picture right here: got me to thinking. Hold that thought. First I must explain that this was in a series of shots that my coworker and I took. This was the third shot and at this point we were laughing quite hard. Now back to my thinking which won't be a very long thought at all. The words to describe said actual thinking will be longer than the actual thought itself. :)

In the past I cried almost every day. I rarely laughed and I certainly didn't do anything silly. I have come to realize that in the last year ... I have come to laugh more, smile more and I am truly happy. :0) Just thought I'd share.

What's more ... I keep finding old friends that I just absolutely love. :o) Can't believe they remember me. I wonder if they remember me as Sad Jennifer .. Just Jennifer .. or Happy Jennifer. Hopefully a wonderful combination of the above. Best Christmas present ever is finding my friends from Elementary School. :o)


Renee said...

Hi Jennifer
Fun picture! Hope you are able to have a very Merry Christmas!

Jennifer said...

Thanks Renee. It was lovely!