Please help me with upcoming treatment costs. In addition, a portion will also go to raise Lyme Awareness in North Carolina. We have two available designs and two available sizes. Please be sure to leave your shipping address with your payment and a working email address for me to contact you if there is a problem with your order.
Living the Lyme Life
The purpose of Living the Lyme Life is to educate others on tick borne illness, inform others of what's going on in my life and inspire others to use the skills they have to make the situation they are in a little easier.
Please do not use any of my posts on your blogs unless you have received permission by me. Thank you.
I am living my life. I've treated Lyme, Bartonella, Candida and Heavy Metal Poisoning. My symptoms were drastically improved after 2 years of treatment. I did well for a year or two and then started having a backslide in August of 2011. I've been seeing my doctor since March 1 2007.
I have severe D defiency, but my Iron levels are now normal (after Iron infusions). I'm treating with oral antibiotics currently for Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia. I'm living life as full as I can with the skills that I have and the love I receive.
My recent labs showed a very weak immune system and low Cortisol. So we're fighting to bring that back up. Some therapies I'm using are IV Vitamin C, HBOT treatments and herbal remedies plus yeast fighting medicines along with medicines to boost cortisol levels.
I've not used the HBOT in a while, but I found it helpful. I'm on a load of oral antibiotics again because the herbal remedies alone were not effective enough.
Living life as full as I can with the skills that I have and the love I receive!
If you want to contact me, please leave a comment in the comment section with your email. In the body of your message, please leave your email address. I will delete the comment after I've read it so that your email won't be around for others to see.
I've gotten wind over the last few weeks that some are having trouble accessing my blog at times. This is particularly the case with those that are using Internet Explorer. Try accessing it using a different browser or your google reader. Or keep refreshing. I use FireFox as my browser. I hope this helps.
Disclaimer: I am not a health care professional. I am JUST a patient. Use my knowledge, but check with your own health care professional first before actually doing anything. :o)
This is really cool!
That is too funny :)
Yeah I had a ball with that website for over an hour!
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