Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jan 9 2010 Update

Concerns for Lyme Disease: And I quote, "No further treatment should be needed at this time."

Those were the BEST words I have EVER heard in the last ten years! Now granted it was followed by, "be conscious of risk for relapse." I will be having blood work in March and my next follow up shouldn't be until July unless I notice symptoms relapsing. We also discussed a detox and liver flush. I'll be honest .. I'm not to thrilled with the idea of a liver flush. :/ I believe it would include a 10 day fast (with a liquid diet). I fear that would cause me to lose the weight I have worked so hard to gain.

As far as my intestinal yeast infection, we believe that this is at a minimum right now. So we're going to stay off the Diflucan unless I notice symptoms starting to rev back up or unless I get a sinus infection that requires antibiotics. I will be resuming my LDN and if it causes me to have sleep disturbances we discussed lowering the dose or using a cream.

I will be starting (restarting) minerals and vitamin supplements that have been prone to deficiencies. In March, those levels will be tested. The ONLY part of the appointment that was a bit negative was that if those lab levels aren't improved then IV will be have to be considered to boost up my mineral levels.

I just loved these words:

"No further treatment should be needed at this time."


Renee said...

Wonderful news Jennifer!

Kara said...

Many congratulations! I can't wait to hear those same words from my LLMD. :-)

Jennifer said...

Renee and Kara ...

I wish you both would hear those words.

Charisse said...

SUPER DUPER CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have not been by in a while but I am soooo happy to hear that no treatment is necessary. WOOOOHOOO!!!! YIPPEEE!!!!!!

Sonya Fights Lyme said...

Those are wonderful words. I too will hear them one day soon!