Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Worst Nightmare ~ Final Edition

So a few nights ago I had a horrible nightmare. I woke up in a sweat and a panic. Almost made a phone call to ensure it wasn't true. I believe in the hearts of all Lyme patients this dream is their worst nightmare.

So first I had a dream that I went up to my LLMD's office to make an appointment for my follow up and for my husband's first appointment. For some reason in my dream, I felt awful. I had a headache and was dizzy. I ran into my LLMD in the hallway and he told me that if I continued to feel this way then I should come in the next week for an IV. Well, I go back up front to pre-pay for my husband's appointment and realize I don't recognize the office staff.

At first I don't think anything of it since I hadn't been there in a while, but I then noticed that the office looked really empty and there were boxes everywhere. I ask about this and am informed that the office is CLOSING. I get so dizzy that I pass out in my dream and when I wake up I am being poked and prodded to get an IV started. Then these men came in looking at the office saying that soon they would be taking over and that we would not be able to get our treatments anymore.

I woke up in a panic. The Worst Nightmare!

PS. I have skipped the last few weeks of Not Me Monday, but stay tuned. I have a doozy of an Not Me Monday coming. OMG you all are going to either laugh or think "that's so sad."


Kara said...

Oh, man! Ditto for me on the worst nightmare of all time!! This has crossed my mind several times. A couple of my doctors are "on the fringes" and do alternative treatments. If I "lost" them I don't know what I'd do.

Jennifer said...

You can see why I titled the first post .. what I did ...

I can't believe I forgot to write the post.