Sunday, June 14, 2009

Recurring Nightmare

Ever have a dream that you're teeth are falling out?
Ever have a dream that you're falling?
Ever have a dream that you've gone to work/school naked?
Ever have a dream that you're being chased?
Ever have a dream that you're drowning?
Ever have a dream that you're failing a test?

A recurring dream is a dream which is experienced repeatedly over a long period. If you've had any of those dreams up above multiple times, you are not alone. I have had them too. If they occurred in *real* life, they might cause pain or embarrassment or even death. I mean what are the chances you'd actually go to work or school naked? Slim to none. (If you're a lymie, you're more likely to do this: Take a bath with your underclothes on accidentally of course) All of your teeth fall out? Again Slim to None. Fall to your death from tall heights? Slim to None. Being chased through an alley? Doubtful, especially if you steer clear from alleys. Drown? Fail a test? Okay those two are more likely.

Most recurring dreams I have aren't especially likely. However, my most recent recurring nightmare could very well happen. It's happened to others so why couldn't it happen to me. The thought of losing my Lyme Doctor to political garbage is very real. That's why when I have the dream four times in a two week span ... I begin to wonder whether it is coming true. It scares me more than any non-Lyme patient can ever know. Until you walk a mile in a Lymie's shoe, you will never know what this fear is like. You don't GET Lyme until you GET Lyme. This dream has woken me up from deep slumber.

I don't think I've ever shared with my readers that I have a "gift." I used to think this "gift" was a "nightmare" in itself. I tend to dream about things that happen in the future. It may not be that the entire "event" happens, but just parts. Let me give a few examples. One time I had a dream that a very close friend of mine was pregnant. Not only was she pregnant, but she suffered an incredible loss in this pregnancy. It woke me up in a panic. I felt horrible for not only dreaming of the pregnancy, but of the loss. I was terrified it was true. So in order to calm my fears, I called this friend only to find out that she had just gotten back from the hospital. I was horrified.

Another time I dreamed about an organ transplant that fell through. The very next day one of my blogger friends got "the call" and it was a "dry run." (meaning that the transplant fell through). The good part was that shortly later I had another dream ... only this time it didn't fall through. Guess what happened next? The day after, she received the call again and then she received her double lungs.

Want more? I have plenty that are just like this. Dreams about the Fire Marshall showing up to work and the next day the Fire Marshall showed up. Dreams about a sudden death of a friend and a few weeks later a friend suddenly dies. Dreams about all sorts of things. I found out a few years ago that one of my cousins has the same "gift." How weird is that ... *very* His parents thought his was weird ... I guess secretly I must have thought my parents would think the same thing. I never told them. In fact, my guess is they are finding about this gift along with all of you ... right now!

My dreams are so scarily accurate that I have begun warning certain people of some of my dreams. Some are downright ridiculous and I know would never happen. Like my boss getting arrested .... Yeah if that actually does happen, I think I'm going to call Maura Povich or something. (I can't believe no one called me out on the typo ... Maura Povich .. MAURY Povich)

So you all can imagine why my nightmare is a little scary. It's not like other LLMD's offices haven't been completely shut down ... :o( Such a sad thing for the Lyme community. Hopefully I can fall back to sleep in a gentle slumber and rest until it's time to get up. Maybe I better warn my boss about her impending impoundment! :P


Renee said...

Our daughter "sees" things and has dreams that come true also. She does not like it! It is good you can look at it as a gift, I think some people's energy is more open and connected to what is around and before them? Maybe...who knows.
Anyway, hoping for a restful sleep and that your LLMD is surrounded by angels protecting his "camp" from the enemy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kara said...

This has happened to me many times during my life. My dad has this "talent" as well. The first one I can remember (probably because it was so shocking) was when I was 8. I had a dream my Dad's mom died. She was standing outside a car parked on the side of the street and fell over. I told my Dad about it that morning at breakfast. When I got home from school that afternoon, my Mom told me grandma had died earlier in the day. She and my aunt were on their way somewhere. Grandma was driving and said she felt really sick and pulled over. She got out the car and had a stroke, collapsing on the sidewalk. Spooky! Exactly as it happened in my dream. It's happened many times since then ...

Hope and pray you get to sleeping better! And, of course, that your LLMD is there for many, many years to come.

Fliterary said...

I'll be praying that this dream does not come true, or that God has prepared another doctor to immediately step in the gap.

Praying for you!

Jennifer said...

Lisa, there is NO doctor like my doctor. So I'm hoping it's just my mind having worries that are connected with something else.