Saturday, August 22, 2009

What am I thinking?

I am glutton for punishment. Remember my friend Kellie? Last year we went to a HS football game and then we headed to Western Carolina for my Alumni Band Weekend. Go pester her to update her blog more often. :o ) But, I digress.

A while back, Kellie emailed me and invited me to her college graduation party. Let's break down these three words: College. A place where people go to get educated. Graduation: a word indicating that said person has gained such education. Party: A gathering of people invited by the host (aka Kellie) for socializing, conversing and recreation. But, I digress.

So I was invited to this college graduation party by Kellie for Kellie in honor of ... you guessed it ... KELLIE! Let me digress again. Kellie is not only a candidate for college graduation, but Kellie is a wife, mother, hostess of parties*, a marvelous friend ** and a generous person. To tell you all the things that Kellie has done for her family would take an entire blog post in and of itself, but I digress.

Kellie invited me to her college graduation party. Whenever I am invited anywhere I weigh the pros and cons of going to said functions and more times than not, I choose not to go. The cons (more times than not) always outweigh the pros. As much as I adore my friends, my health comes first and in most cases invitations generally are counter productive. Let's discuss the cons of this (and more times than not MOST invitations):

1. I would have to drive there. This is a 2 hour plus drive in which I will probably get lost at least once. 2. There will be people there that I both know and don't know. This would cause a potential for illness next week since there will be a huge amount of people in a confined space. 3. I would have to skip my noon supplements. This could also compromise my immune system. 4. I get very nervous around people ~ even people I know. Lyme is a very intense lil bug and sometimes it causes me embarrassing problems. I get nervous that those problems are going to rear their little heads and cause me to be extremely awkward. 5. I have to figure out what to wear! I never know whether or not I am fashionable and can be extremely embarassing to walk into a room full of people who are wearing jeans and a tshirt and I'm wearing a dress. OR the opposite. I walk into a room full of people who are wearing dressed up fashion forward clothing and I'm wearing jeans, khakis or worse yet .. sweatpants! But I digress!

I am sure that many of you can understand those cons for me as I'm sure that many of you have the same cons. Some of you can't even begin to accept invitations because of your physical limitiations so I'm sure that you are jealous that I could even consider going. But I digress!

I am headed to Kellie's graduation party as soon as I can figure out what I need to wear and print out maps to her house. I can't wait to see her family and friends. I haven't seen some of these people in probably 15 years. And 15 years ago, some of these people meant the world to me. But I digress!

So back to the glutton for punishment thing. About the same time as Kellie's invitation arrived, I received another invitation for a big class reunion. This "reunion" is a gathering of some HS friends that graduated between 94 and 98. I said, "maybe" but really thought I would say no when it came down to it. After all .. see reasons 1 to 5. And add one more. When I was in HS, I was NOT fashionable at all. These people (yes my friends and some not so much) judged me for what I wore. Why would I want to spend time with people who will probably judge me for what I wear now? Then I thought, why the heck do I care what they think? Why let one or two people spoil the fun for me? So unless something happens between now and 6pm tonight, I plan on going to this 2nd party. That's right. Two parties in one day. I am glutton for punishment, but I digress!

* see note above for defination of party
** click the link to "Western Carolina" above for defination of marvelous friend

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