They are kicking in big time.
I took 5 drops of the magical drops and then started my Vitamin C protocol. I usually start off with 3 grams and increase by a gram a day until I'm at a decent dose. However, I can tell that if I don't start out with a bam that I may regret it. So I started off with SIX WHOLE GRAMS of Vitamin C.
Yesterday I drank a whole pineapple.
Sounds strange doesn't it? Well, a while back we got a juicer. I bought a pineapple and put it through the juicer. It wound up with about 20 ounces of juice. A few weeks ago I purchased a Mango Slicer. It's divine and I highly recommend it. I need to go buy a pineapple slicer too. It would make my juicing life a lot easier.
Yeah. Random is my middle name.
Also a few weeks ago, I bought a new point & shoot. You'll see it at some point. You've already seen some photos from it, but here's another one. It has a feature that I just love. Pick one color and it will showcase that color only. The other parts will come out black & white.
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