Sunday, September 25, 2011


So yesterday was quite entertaining. Okay that's an over exaggeration.

I attempted to sugar my legs (see about two posts back). Epic Fail since they weren't long enough.
I watched some television from the DVR. Then chose my outfit for the day. A pair of new jeans and a new shirt with a re-altered necklace.

You see I purchased a bunch of beads to go on a necklace and also created a Lyme Awareness pendant to go on it. However, the pendant was too large to go with the shirt so I took off all the beads and pendant. I put aside 3 beads and pendant and rearranged the rest of the beads to work with my outfit. It turned out really cute. I got lots of comments on it at the mall and I'm not one to get comments on my clothes or accessories. Kind of made me feel good! You like?

So shortly after I finished getting ready, I left to go see my Lyme friend. I stayed up there for a while. We had fun for a while first and she rested while I looked at Magazines and watched some tv at her house. She's cool like that! You see my friend won a raffle prize at the Lyme Lunch last weekend. So I took her winning bag to her. See won a bracelet I made similar to my necklace.

So I took a drive to South Point Mall in Durham. I'll tell you that I really enjoy looking at that mall. It's really pretty, BUT and this is a big BUT ... I have never ever been able to buy anything there. I was there for 3 hours and left with NOTHING! It was either too expensive or didn't fit right. And if it was too expensive I didn't even try it on because it would have broken my little heart to not take it home! The best part of yesterday at the mall was running into an old high school friend at the mall. What are the odds? Seriously awesome. It was worth the whole dressing room fiasco.

There were a few things that I was sure was going to fit. A pair of grey slacks that were absolutely beautiful. Size 4 too snug, Size 6 fell off. Did I mention yesterday that I hate clothes shopping? Well I must have tried on nearly 75 things yesterday and NOT ONE fit! Seriously. What a terrible feeling and a blow to the self esteem.

Speaking of Self-Esteem, I saw an article somewhere about time savers. Suggested taking photos of the outfits you love with accessories you love so that later you don't have to remember the outfits later. Pretty neat if you ask me. I may have to start doing that. I struggle with what looks good together.

Next Saturday: Will be LLMD day.

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