Saturday, January 26, 2013

Exciting News for NC!

Over the past few years I have wanted to make a difference in North Carolina Advocacy for Lyme Disease.  I've done it through multiple ways.  (list is not in chronological order)
  • Co-founded an online facebook group for NC and SC Lymies (two groups actually)
  • Attended and hosted Under Our Skin Screening
  • wrote senator letters in 2008 to promote Lyme Disease Awareness and protect Integrative Doctors.
  • Began this blog. 
  • talked with multiple people in person ab out Lyme Disease
  • helped promote various awareness events.
  • emailed with the newly diagnosed and assisted heading them in the right direction.
However, I have always wanted to do more.  So shortly after the last Lyme Luncheon (there were about 13 of us there), I reached out to one of my friends to see if I could get help with this large project I wanted to under take.  It was then we decided to meet up with founders and presidents of different NC Lyme organizations. So on Wednesday January 23rd, I met up with 8 other advocate.  We had representatives from at least three different NC Lyme Organizations at our dinner meeting. 

Our goal was many fold and upon leaving the meeting I felt refreshed and excited (and tired, it was almost 10pm after all).  I went to bed after watching Carolina win their basketball game and the next morning I woke to work on the advocacy projects we had discussed. And then, I got an email from my friend.    Now I have few truly annoying pet peeves, but one of those is a full inbox of email full of chain messages. I absolutely hate getting on email lists and I hate even more when those list fill up your inbox.  Example:  A while back (probably 2003) I got on an email list and each person would write like 20 emails a day and then each person would respond to those 20 emails - needless to say it was difficult to wade through.  So I pretty much avoid being on a mass email list at all cost.  It had been suggested several times about one of these email lists, but I was hesitant (rightfully so, I know how these email lists can go). 

So I went to bed and I do my very best thinking while I'm sleep.  You think I'm joking, but I'm not.  I go to sleep with a "problem" and wake up with a "solution."  I woke up yesterday morning with the BIGGEST solution.  For folks that can't or won't go on facebook, I had the most perfect solution and it would help create something I've wanted to do for a while.

Without further ado, I'm excited to announce this big thing.  Yesterday, a new website was launched to provide a central and web location to announce future events so that North Carolinian's with Lyme Disease that are not on Facebook (hey that's you Mr. K)  can have access to the public events. I'd like to introduce ynou to the new NC Lyme Advocacy Blog.  Feel free to check out all the tabs which are currently works in progress and also feel free to SHARE with friends and family.  Stay tuned for the events that will be posted up on the events tab and also on the blog itself.    I did have to utilize another blog tool since I did not want the blog to be "connected" to my personal blog.

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