Saturday, March 2, 2013

March Update

 I have little time to focus on the personal blog since my time is so focused on the advocacy website.   However, I wanted to update everyone with my favorite format.  Random Bullets!

  • I had blood work done yesterday.  I've discussed this before, but I basically need to drink 3 liters of water (with about 2 ounces of Gatorade mixed into that 3 liters of water) in about 3 hours the morning of a blood draw in order to have a chance of a stick.  I woke at 6am and began my ritual and by 8:45, I had finished my 3 liters with 2 ounces of Gatorade.  I knew I hit my "sweet spot," when I drank a sip of water - had to urinate immediately - finished urinating - got up - drank another sip and immediately had to urinate again.  So, I packed up one more bottle of water and left. I signed in at 9:25 and walked out at 9:40.  This included, scanning my insurance and license (twice actually - gave her an old license with my old address on it and my old insurance) - and her trying to call my doctor's office to clarify what he wanted (but they were closed yesterday).  Seriously, one of the easiest blood draws I've ever had.  For one, she listened.   For two, she remembered me from the last time.
  • Symptoms:  I began to have severe leg and ankle pain as my back pain finally eased off.  Go figure that I get one of one excruciating pain and get another.  My heating pad was my friend and finally today that pain has eased to be replaced with a sore throat.  I'm sure that my voice is probably a little hoarse (an occasional symptom I get),but I haven't needed to talk today yet. 
  • Lyme Advocacy:  I must spend a few hours (3) at the minimum on advocacy and awareness things a day.  Today for example, I woke up with several things in mind and have already spend an hour and a half.  Although, I suspect I will continue off and on throughout the day. In general, I speak with at least one Lyme patient daily on the phone and at least 5 on the computer.  If I had a couple of dollars for each communication about Lyme or Lyme Awareness, I'd be able to pay for my treatments.  On occasion, I get "lymed out."  On those days, I take a respite either in the morning or the afternoon.  I rarely take a full day off from awareness. It's just too important to me.

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