Friday, December 24, 2010

Family Christmas

So our home was once again gifted by the "Redneck Wrapper." This time the Redneck Wrapper wrapped in the used bag of popcorn. Inside the bag of popcorn was a present carefully wrapped in a Food Lion bag covered by paper towels. Once I got through the butter covered paper towels and into the food lion bag, I opened up the present by my brother in which the Redneck Wrapper hijacked. It was three boxes of toothpicks. Yeah we're crazy like that.

It was shortly after in which I was gifted with the annual gift Gummy Saver, a bag of Gummy Savers. It often results in this facial expression.

Once I suggested the theme was "bags," I gave my brother this look when I saw that he had given me a box of baggies for Christmas.

And if you look in the floor, you'll see a lunch "bag" and a Carolina "bag." This theme apparently was not intentional. In fact, it was only after I pointed out the "bag theme" after the third gift was a bag of something that each gift was funnier and funnier eliciting great responses like this one ....

After this, I got a bag of Munchos from "your facebook friend."

I had a wonderful time with my family on Christmas Eve Squared. I got lots of beautiful things including a wonderful ornament hand made by my mother, actually there were two. One was of my favorite Tar Heel basketball player and the other had photographs of my grandparents with me. Also received a lovely bath wrap which included was a bag to put it in to wash. I received lots of beautiful things, but most of all ... beautiful memories to cherish for the years to come.

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