Thursday, August 26, 2010

5 nights 1st time

I did 4 nights of 1mg LDN. I was a little encouraged by my lab work so I decided to push the limits of my body again by doing 4 nights in a row of the 1mg. I had only a small remnant of a headache yesterday and decided it was worth the risk to take it the 4th night. Depending on how I feel today will depend on if tonight if only a 1/2 OR the first ever 5th night in a row.

And yes this means I did get the results to my blood tests back. I can't exactly explain them. I feel like I should be an expert in Lymph Enumeration by now (all those numbers CD4, CD19, CD56, etc.), but I am very much a novice. I wish I knew which ones held which job in my body and why some of them raised "300" points since last time and others either stayed the same or raised only a slight bit. However, I'm under the impression that we want those numbers to rise and most of them did. So I'm pleased as punch over that.

** decided to go ahead and take that 5th night of LDN**

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